Wczesnośredniowieczna zabudowa Góry Katedralnej w Chełmie jako przykład europejskiego dziedzictwa kulturowego

Tomasz Dzieńkowski

ORCID: Tomasz Dzieńkowski:

Strony: 113-129

Wydanie: Lublin 2014

DOI: --

Abstrakt: The origins of Chełm are inexplicably connected with the Cathedral Mountain – a place where the centre of princely and sacral authority was found. Archaeological excavations carried out in the last 100 years have proved the existence of a unique, 13th century establishment comprising the prince’s residence and a sacral structure built in brick. This discovery puts before us a major challenge of introducing relics into social circulation. It appears necessary to create a “municipal conservatory programme” for the site of High Mountain, which would take into account the archaeological, historical and architectonic characteristics of the object, and would constitute a foundation for further preservative and exhibitory actions. Another step is a discussion on how to properly preserve and protect the walls and in what manner to exhibit them. For purpose of comparison one might take a look at the restoration of relics in Ostrów Lednicki, Gniezno, Poznań, Gdańsk or Cracow. An interesting example is the Archaeological Park in Xanten (North Rhine – Westphalia, Germany).