Logistics subsystems in international environment with special focus on Central Europe

Marjan Sternad

ORCID: Marjan Sternad:

Strony: 117-130

Wydanie: Lublin 2018

DOI: --

Sposób cytowania: Marjan Sternad, Gorazd Justinek, ‘Logistics subsystems in international environment with special focus on Central Europe’, Yearbook of the Institute of East-Central Europe, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2018, pp. 117-130.

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Abstrakt: Logistics became an area in which the local organizations needed to achieve a competitive advantage against overseas organizations so that they could offer reliable and responsible servicing on the market. On the other hand, entering foreign markets entailed longer, costlier and more complex operations. Good management of logistics processes, therefore, was the tool for the achievement of global opportunities. In recent years, the importance and role of procurement have changed significantly. Procurement has become an important business function. Efficient business operations are not only important for an individual company but for the entire national economy and the society as a whole, as prosperity depends on the business performance of companies. In the paper, we show the importance of purchase and distribution logistics for international trade. The following paper also analyses logistical obstacles when operating in international markets. We found out, that internationalization still represents an obstacle for many companies with several years of experience, especially in the field of logistics.


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