The Southern Gas Corridor infrastructure project – implications for the energy security of the European Union

Justyna Misiągiewicz

ORCID: Justyna Misiągiewicz: 0000-0003­-0224­-2735

Strony: 79-98

Wydanie: Lublin 2019


Sposób cytowania: J. Misiągiewicz, The Southern Gas Corridor infrastructure project – implications for the energy security of the European Union, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 17 (2019), z. 4, s. 79-99, DOI:

Słowa kluczowe: , , ,

Keywords: , , ,

Abstrakt: Nowadays, energy security is a growing concern in state foreign policy. Interdependency in the energy field is a very important dimension of contemporary relations between states and transnational corporations. Energy security is becoming a key issue for the European Union (EU). The Union is one of the world’s fastest-growing energy markets and the biggest importer of energy resources. For the foreseeable future, Europe’s energy dependence will probably increase. Facing a shortage of energy, Europe is dependent on imports and the EU member states need to diversify their energy supplies. The Caspian region contains some of the largest undeveloped oil and gas reserves in the world. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the newly independent Caspian states became open to foreign investment. The growing energy needs have given the EU a strong interest in developing ties with energy-producing states in the Caspian region to build the necessary pipeline infrastructure. In this analysis, the pipeline infrastructure that exists or will be built in the near future will be presented. The analysis will concentrate on routes transporting gas from the Caspian region and the most important problems and solutions in designing the midstream energy system in the region. The key aim of the article is to analyse the Southern Gas Corridor (SGC) infrastructure project, which will inevitably contribute to the EU’s energy security interest.


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