Ideological and political dimensions of Russia’s attitude towards the European Union

Olga Barburska

ORCID: Olga Barburska: 0000-0003-3272-5965

Strony: 15-39

Wydanie: Lublin 2018

DOI: --

Sposób cytowania: Olga Barburska, ‘Ideological and political dimensions of Russia’s attitude towards the European Union’, Yearbook of the Institute of East-Central Europe, Vol. 16, No. 4, 2018, pp. 15-39.

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Abstrakt: The aim of the article is to present and analyse the major ideological and political factors shaping the Russian Federation’s attitude towards the European Union. The analysis focuses on the main ideological concepts, shaped historically and functioning today in Russia, which influence political programmes and undertakings implemented by the Russian authorities in their relations with the EU. This analysis is based on the assumption that there is a deep-rooted conviction among the Russian élites and society that their system of values and culture are diametrically opposed to that of the West, and especially of Europe, and that this results in a general hostility towards the EU. As a result, this creates enormous difficulties in maintaining normal, stable relations between the two parties.


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