The Three Seas Initiative in the Context of International Challenges

Łukasz Lewkowicz

ORCID: Łukasz Lewkowicz: 0000-0002-0129-785X

Strony: 7-12

Wydanie: Lublin 2019


Sposób cytowania: Ł. Lewkowicz, The Three Seas Initiative in the Context of International Challenges, „Rocz-nik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 17 (2019), z. 3, s. 7-12, DOI: 10.36874/RIESW.2019.3.1.

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Abstrakt: The aim of the article is to introduce and explain the concept of the Three Seas Initiative, to show the external perspective of this new regional cooperation format, and to briefly discuss the articles and reviews found in the journal’s volume.


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