Strategic interaction: The PRL Government, Solidarity, the Church, and the problem of political prisoners

Strategiczna interakcja. Rząd PRL, Solidarność, Kościół i problem więźniów politycznych

Andrzej Friszke

ORCID: Andrzej Friszke: 0000-0001-8793-6079

Afiliacja: Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Strony: 201-225

Wydanie: Lublin 2020


Sposób cytowania: A. Friszke, Strategic interaction: The PRL Government, Solidarity, the Church, and the problem of political prisoners, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 18(2020), z. 1, s. 201-225, DOI:

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Abstrakt: This study of the struggle between the government of the Polish People’s Republic and Solidarity in the years 1981-1984 discerns three key actors in Polish politics: the Communist party leadership and security apparatus, the arrested leaders of Solidarity, and the bishops and advisers of the Catholic Church. The PRL government made strategic decisions in this period regarding repression and liberalization. Following initial advanced preparation for the trial of eleven arrested leaders of Solidarity and KSS KOR, the government attempted to coerce the arrestees into leaving Poland, thus weakening the movement’s legitimacy. The article demonstrates how the interaction between the leaders of the two sides – mediated by bishops and advisers – produced a new dynamic and a shift in the existing political mechanism. What was once a mass movement transformed into a more regular, staffed organization with a greater role played by leaders, who symbolized the continuity of the movement and enabled Solidarity to weather the period of repression. The article shows the changes and tensions in the Solidarity movement, along with the changes that were occurring in parallel on the side of the government and the mediating third actor, i.e., the Catholic Church. This case study of the strategic clash that occurred at the beginning of the 1980s illustrates the transformations that took place within the government and Solidarity – transformations that would prove crucial to the transition process in 1988-1989.


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