„Patrzę na świat przez ludzi”. Trzy perspektywy opowieści o Niemczech i stosunkach polsko-niemieckich

Małgorzata J. Willaume

ORCID: Małgorzata J. Willaume:

Strony: 111-120

Wydanie: Lublin 2010

DOI: --

Abstrakt: The volume O Niemcach i Polakach. Wspomnienia. Prognozy. Nadzieje (About Germans and Poles. Recollections. Prognoses. Hopes) consists of three parts. The autobiographical part is a personal commentary by Władysław Bartoszewski on the history of German-Polish relations during the last 70 years. Jan Rydel and Rafał Rogulski complemented Bartoszewski’s account with two additional parts: The Przewodnik po historii Niemiec i stosunków polsko-niemieckich po drugiej wojnie światowej (Guide to the History of Germany and of German-Polish Relations after World War II) as well as an appendix, which encloses a selection of documents – cornerstones of German-Polish relations. The book’s uniqueness bears on this trilogy of narrations, temperaments and perspectives. It might become an interesting challenge for university teachers and students of history, political sciences and international relations, as a similar comprisal of German-Polish relations cannot be found in either Polish or German literature. The comments can be read as a further development of Władysław Bartoszewski’s memoirs, one can make use of them when analysing documents, or even treat them as a mini-synthesis of knowledge on Germany and German-Polish relations.