From Mitterand to Macron: Tracing the Evolution of French-Polish Relations

Agata Stolarz

ORCID: Agata Stolarz:

Strony: 167-185

Wydanie: Lublin 2017

DOI: --

Sposób cytowania: A. Stolarz, ‘From Mitterand to Macron: Tracing the Evolution of French-Polish Relations’, Yearbook of the Institute of East-Central Europe, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2017, pp. 167-185.

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Abstrakt: The first months of Emmanuel Macron’s presidency have shown that one of his goals is to rebuild France’s position on the international stage. Macron also seeks to promote several reforms at the EU level geared towards deepening European integration. Presumably, Macron’s policy objectives will impact Central Europe, including Poland. This paper provides a general overview of the Franco-Polish relationship over the period 1989-2017. Against this background, the paper will discuss the main challenges in the Franco-Polish cooperation since the fall of the Berlin Wall through the first three months of Macron’s presidency (2017).


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