The combat potential and the security strategy of Russia – towards rebuilding the position in the international arena

Zbigniew Ścibiorek

ORCID: Zbigniew Ścibiorek:

Strony: 61-85

Wydanie: Lublin 2018

DOI: --

Sposób cytowania: Zbigniew Ścibiorek, Marek Bodziany, ‘The combat potential and the security strategy of Russia – towards rebuilding the position in the international arena’, Yearbook of the Institute of East-Central Europe, Vol. 16, No. 4, 2018, pp. 61-85.

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Abstrakt: The current state of coexistence in international arena is contested. Russian Federation (RF) cannot come to terms with the fact that following the dissolution of the USSR, it sustained substantial losses, especially with regards to its role globally. The team of Putin is striving to rebuild the power of their country. The Russian society, used to sacrifices for the homelands, offers its invaluable support. A lot of effort is put in the development of the armaments sector. As a result, the structure, command and mobilization the Armed Forces have substantially improved. The RF Armed Forces prepare for a possible armed conflict. Various types of exercise are conducted; frequently maneuvers take place in proximity to the borders of NATO member-states. This paper examines these developments and suggest possible ways of bypassing the emerging challenges.


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