Podziały przestrzeni Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej

Marek Pietraś

ORCID: Marek Pietraś: 0000- 0002-9334-7737

Strony: 11-49

Wydanie: Lublin 2019

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36874/RIESW.2019.1.1

Sposób cytowania: M. Pietraś, Podziały przestrzeni Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, „Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 17 (2019), z. 1, s. 11-49, DOI: 10.36874/RIESW.2019.1.1.

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Abstrakt: In the article, referring to quantitative indicators, the subject of analysis is the identification of the dividing line of the previously shared space of Central and Eastern Europe. This means that this part of Europe is changing, shifting the previous dividing line. This line during the Cold War symbolically ran along the Elbe River, dividing Europe into two opposing political, military and ideological blocks. The new dividing line has been symbolically shifted from the Elbe River to the Bug River and concerns political, economic and social standards. It is therefore a multifaceted phenomenon. Strengthening the division occurs, on the one hand, between the countries that joined the European Union, and on the other, which remained in the post-Soviet area.


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